It Just Takes 5 Minutes - How I'm Taking My Power Back

Michelle Rohr [00:00:01]:
Hey. Hey. Michelle here with the Magic IS You podcast, and I wanted to take 5 minutes to talk to you about the power of 5 minutes. I was literally about to walk out the door and go grocery shopping because I want to make a a nice meal for dinner, and I need to get breakfast ready for tomorrow because the school season just started, and I just had all these things I wanted to go do. But I remembered that you know what? I have at least 5 minutes where I can listen to this little intuitive hit that I have that says, hey. We wanna make a podcast. And I can take those 5 minutes. And I actually want to talk to you about the power of 5 minutes because this can be applied to anything and everything, and it can change your life.

Michelle Rohr [00:00:56]:
We will use the default idea that we don't have time for fill in the blank as a way to let ourselves off the hook and procrastinate, because is just the way that we're protecting ourselves from having to do something that triggers us or makes us have to face an emotion that we don't want to feel, whatever the case may be. We will use the idea of, I just don't have the time right now, as a way to not do whatever it is that we know we truly need to do deep down, whether that's I don't have the time to make a podcast. I don't have the time to go to the gym. I don't have the time to read that book. I don't have the time to make a proper meal. But if we challenge that thought instead of settling for it, we could get we could use our brains more, our beautiful brains, we can put them to work to do to create the magic that they're capable of creating and ask better questions and come up with better answers. So the question that I have learned to ask myself is, what can I do with 5 minutes? I have at least 5 minutes. I can take at least 5 minutes.

Michelle Rohr [00:02:20]:
We can all do that. And so I will challenge that default thought of I don't have time with, we have 5 minutes. What we can what can we do with it? And that's how I would do a lot of these podcast episodes, is I would just think of it in terms of I can I can do at least a 5 minute episode? And I've applied that thinking to I can take at least 5 minutes to read this book. I can take at least 5 minutes to practice this language. I can take at least 5 minutes to, to do that extra act of self care. And we realized that the issue was never lack of time. The issue was there was an emotion that we were avoiding, that I am I'm avoiding. I'm trying to talk more in terms of me and I.

Michelle Rohr [00:03:18]:
If I'm not doing something and I'm telling myself the excuse of I don't have time, I'm just avoiding an emotion. So in the past where I would tell myself, oh, I don't have time to exercise, I was avoiding the emotion of the discomfort that would arise in my body whenever I did something to put myself first, which would connect to this trauma and that emotion and that trigger and all the inner work that would come up just by doing something in the present moment that was a positive, but it would bring up all of this negative emotion and energy. And that's what I was avoiding, and I just used the excuse if I don't have time as a way to let myself off the hook. And I wanna bring that up because I want us to look at what is really going on here. So when we tell people, oh, I don't have time to read, or I don't have time to fill in the blank, that like, we are we are lying to ourselves, and we're keeping the lies going, the lies of our trauma going, instead of being able to cast a light on it and look at the truth of it and realize what we're up against and what we're dealing with and just go after it. And I feel like that's what I've been doing this whole year is just identifying my blind spots, shining a light on them, and just really going after all the ways in which I avoid things, neglect things, neglect myself. Like, this has been my year of banish the blind spots. So I have been really conscious about what am I avoiding, what am I neglecting, And I've just been prioritizing going after those things.

Michelle Rohr [00:05:02]:
Because if we don't, then we are so good at getting busy with other things that look positive and keep us busy and maybe even have a positive outcome. But in the meantime, all these areas of neglect and avoidance are festering and draining the draining what's possible, if we were more in alignment and more aware of what's really going on instead of using these little lies to let ourselves off the hook. Because lies have a way of always, you know what's the word? They have a way of sapping our power. So every time we say something that's not true, we're giving our power away. Every time we say, I don't have time for self care. I don't have time to read books. I don't have time to make a podcast. We are just draining our our being of vitality and energy and power.

Michelle Rohr [00:06:06]:
But when we look at the truth and we're able to say, I do have the time, I just don't want to face that emotion. I just don't want to let go of that belief. I just don't want to make this other person unhappy. I just don't want to upset the the way everything is set up right now. If I do this, then so and so won't like it. Like, looking at all of that and allowing that inner work and difficult conversations and restructuring and decluttering and everything that everything that comes up when we start letting go of lies. Doing that work, you just reclaim so much power. You become so freaking powerful powerful that it is amazing what you can do in 5 minutes.

Michelle Rohr [00:06:55]:
So I encourage you to take the 5 minute secret Owl Society, magic is you philosophy and apply it to things that you are resisting. Sit down. Make a list. Here are all the things that I'm resisting. Here are all the things that I'm avoiding. Here are all the things that I'm neglecting. And then take the 5 minute container and apply it to each of those things. One simple example could be, I have a book on myself that I know I need to read that book.

Michelle Rohr [00:07:26]:
I know it will help me heal x y z trauma, but I'm afraid to read it because I don't wanna get triggered. I don't wanna have to remember things. I don't wanna have to deal with it right now. But every time you walk by that book, it just nags at your energy. Oh, I gotta read that book. I should read that book. And your energy and your power is being drained. Instead of making that book a bigger deal than what it is, put it in the container of I can at least read it for 5 minutes.

Michelle Rohr [00:07:56]:
And even if that feels like too much, what I've been telling people, because I've been doing more book things in my community, like doing, like, book club experiences together. And one of the books that I recommended in a program I hosted called The Abundance Adventure was I had everyone read, a book called the what is it? I can't even remember it right now, but it has to do with all the areas of your life and being rich and abundant in every area by Robin Sharma. And I said that if you have trouble reading a book or if it feels like it's bringing up difficult emotions, it's you have to force yourself, you you just it's not enjoyable, whatever the case may be. You can at least read a paragraph a day because what you're really doing is unraveling the lies and the beliefs that make you avoid doing things that are good for you. And we can we deserve to give ourselves the act of I can at least read 1 paragraph a day, and you can apply this to anything. And I think it's powerful to apply this to books because that's where we learn new information that can totally change our lives. The problem is that sometimes we will avoid the very thing that will change your life the most because it's connected to the very thing that we are running away from. And the reason I'm pointing to books is because no one had it's very rare that someone says that video changed my life.

Michelle Rohr [00:09:32]:
That blog post changed my life. But people will say that book changed my life. So what books out there could be changing your life right now, but you're just putting them in a blind spot because you know it would require a lot of introspection and inner work from you to really digest that book. And this can an example of this could be, maybe you've given your your power away around finances. Maybe that's a sore spot for you. Maybe looking deeply at your relationship with money brings up a lot of difficult emotions for you. And you have all of these books about personal finance on your bookshelf, but you can it's like you it's like they're on fire whenever you try to read them. You don't wanna get too close.

Michelle Rohr [00:10:21]:
You don't wanna sit with it too long. And this was me. I had personal finance books that my higher self deeply desired to read, but my trauma self, my default self, my self protective self was just like, we don't wanna get too close. We don't want to look too close. It just brings up a lot of regret and pain and, difficult emotions. And because I had this thought in my head of, oh, I need to read the whole book, and I need to read it now, and I need to get through it cover to cover, you know, in a, you know, in a proper amount of time, whatever that means, I would have made so much more progress if I just gave myself the grace of saying you can at least take this one paragraph at a time, one day at a time, even if it's just 1 paragraph a day. If I had given myself that gift, there's so much power and what's the word? I would have been able to make different decisions. I would have been able to heal so much faster.

Michelle Rohr [00:11:37]:
I would have been able to create so much more abundance and wealth and just just be more in alignment with who I really am when it comes to this area of life. I would have connected to that higher self version of me so much more deeply, so much more faster. Like, so many things could have come from just one paragraph a day. And I'm applying that to all kinds of books that the old me would have felt resistant to read. Even though I'm always, you know, learning and reading and, you know, like, my whole my whole personality loves personal growth. However, this is my year, like I said, of, okay, where are the blind spots in my personal growth? Where am I distracting myself with learning about personal growth? Where am I distracting myself with learning about x y z that's more comfortable and feel good to learn about at the expense of taking a closer look at things that are a little bit harder to learn. And what you'll learn when you focus on the things that you were previously running away from is when you get to the other side, you're like, what the heck was I even scared about? What the heck was I even running away from or resisting? Or or, like, what? Why did I make a mountain out of a molehill? And that's what lies will do to you. They they seem like these real tangible monsters that you have to avoid.

Michelle Rohr [00:13:02]:
And then when you really go into it and look at it and face it, you realize that nothing's really there. It's a mirage. It's just it's just a belief that evaporates when you sign the light of truth on it. So all that to say, give yourself the gift of making those lists of what you're avoiding, neglecting, resisting, and add that container of 5 minutes or one paragraph or whatever the little container of doability is, and apply that to those things that you're avoiding, resisting, neglecting. Because that 5 minutes a day around the thing that you are running away from could completely change your life, could eradicate anything that is draining your energy and putting up a monster that's not even really there or dragging you down with a belief that's not even true. That's the power of 5 minutes a day. Alright. I'm going to head out, go grocery shopping, get some food, make some dinner, and I hope you guys have a wonderful day as well.

It Just Takes 5 Minutes - How I'm Taking My Power Back
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