You are the master of your ideas. Let them keep coming.

You are a million, billion times bigger than all of your ideas. There is no reason to feel overwhelmed. You are bigger than all of it.

Speaker A [00:00:00]:
Hello. Hello. Michelle here with the Magic IS You podcast. In this episode, I want to talk about ideas. I've talked about the concept of having too many ideas, of how creativity works, and, unraveling the fear people have around having lots of ideas in previous episodes, but I wanna take it a step further in this episode and talk more about why I don't believe in the idea of you just need to pick one thing and drill down and focus and having a lot of ideas to see distraction and etcetera, etcetera. Of course, there's truth to it because all of these beliefs and, all of these sayings that we hear constantly have a grain of truth to them, but I feel like there's levels of truth. Like, there's levels of consciousness. There's levels of awareness.

Speaker A [00:01:00]:
There's levels of believing something that gets you so far, and then you get to a point where that belief doesn't serve you anymore. So there is a, a level at which picking one idea and just focusing can serve you. Like, it could probably help you heal patterns that keep you from finishing things. So it's not even about the idea. It's about healing. So maybe you're at a level where picking one idea and finishing it before you do anything else heals whatever is inside of you that makes you feel that you cannot finish what you start. So that's true. But once that shield, you start to realize that you've always been bigger than your ideas.

Speaker A [00:02:04]:
It's It's almost like if you can remember being a kid and playing marbles. It's like your ideas are just these marbles in your hand that you get to flick around and play with. And you're bigger than the marbles. The marbles are these little tiny balls, and you are so much bigger than the marbles, and you can play with them and do whatever you want with them. But when we when we try to keep when we try to pull that idea of, oh, you need to pick one one thing, you need to focus, too many ideas is not good, when we try to keep when we keep carrying that notion, it's we're making the we're making the idea bigger than us. It's like we're no longer the kid in the playground playing with marbles. Now we're the tiny little ant that's getting run over by the marbles. Sorry.

Speaker A [00:03:01]:
And I want you to see that you are bigger than your ideas. You're the master here. The idea came from you. The idea cannot be bigger than you. It came from you. You are a 1000000, 1000000000 times bigger than all of your ideas. So there's no reason to feel overwhelmed by them because you are bigger than all of it. It would be like having a handful of marbles in your hand, looking at them, and saying, oh my gosh.

Speaker A [00:03:31]:
I'm so over over I'm so overwhelmed. Look at all these marbles. It wouldn't make sense. But that's what people do when they think about ideas as something that they need to rein in and control, and there's too many, and I don't know what to do. You feel that way. You might feel that way because you're carrying a belief that is not actually serving you. It's not true. And the belief is you can't have a lot of ideas without being overwhelmed, without being distracted, without being disorganized or whatever.

Speaker A [00:04:12]:
And to step into the truth is to let go of that lie and to instead replace it with what you want to believe. What do you what do you want to believe about your ideas? Do you want to believe that there are these big overwhelming things that you need to whittle down through a list of pros and cons? Or do you believe that they are toys in your playground and you can do whatever you want with them? And you're not bound by any rules around how you're going to bring those ideas to life. They're just toys. They're just things you get to play with. And because I think about ideas in this way, I have so much fun in my business. Like, this is why I'm able to create so much. This is why I have so much fun. It's because when I have an idea, if I'm genuinely excited about it, I just do it.

Speaker A [00:05:06]:
I immediately take action on it because I want to, because it's fun, because it's creative, because it gives me energy. If I ever have an idea that I don't take action on, it's probably because it wasn't coming from desire. It probably was just something like, oh, I should do that because at this time of year, it would make sense to do this or blah blah blah. And then I will kinda play around with the idea a little bit and then realize, you know, I don't actually desire to do that. So if there's not a desire attached to the idea, that's the only time when I'm like, I'm not gonna do this. It it would be a distraction. It would be a distraction to act on an idea that I don't actually want to do. So if you're trying to figure out which ideas are, quote, unquote, the right ideas, the only filter I would recommend is is there desire? Do you absolutely have a desire to bring that idea to life? Because when you have the desire, suddenly, that idea, you it doesn't take any time at all to make it make it come to fruition in terms of taking it from your head and putting it out into the world.

Speaker A [00:06:21]:
Because when you're coming from desire, you are coming from inspired action. You're coming from being in alignment, and that is magical. Like I said in previous podcasts, it's when you have that energy, you can get a month's worth of work done in a week. You can get a week's worth of work done in an hour because of being in alignment with I actually desire to do this. Just last week, I had the idea. Out of nowhere, it was kinda like pitter pattering in my head for a while, but the desire wasn't there. So I didn't take action on the on that idea. And then suddenly, the desire showed up, and I literally created entire website for my planners in a few hours.

Speaker A [00:07:07]:
And if you wanna check it out, it's lifebinderco. Com. I'll put a link in the description, and you can look at this website. I created it in a matter of hours. I've seen people take years to make a website that took me just a few hours to make, And it's because I'm coming from inspired action and desire and having an idea that I actually want to bring to life. And I'm so excited to see where where this website goes 18 months from now. Like, I'm just always mind boggled by the magic of taking inspired action on ideas that I desire to bring to life.

Speaker A [00:07:52]:
I don't stop and say, well, let me check with my audience and see if this is something they want. Let me ask for feedback. Let me make a list of pros and cons. I don't do that. I just say yes to desire, and it always works out. There is not a single idea I've ever acted on where I regretted the work I put into it. Everything that comes from desire always fits so perfectly in the the masterpiece, the art, the design of my business and my life, And I want more people to experience that because that is where your power is at. Your power is in saying yes to the ideas that light you up instead of being like, well, I should only pick one thing.

Speaker A [00:08:43]:
Is this the right idea? Is this gonna work? That keeps you from creating. And even this idea of will it work, everything works because you're always going to learn something. There was a website I made a few months ago that I didn't publish, And I was like, oh, wow. I put all this time into this website, but I I got to this point where I was like, you know, I don't actually wanna finish this. I don't desire to finish this. It's it's not something I thought it was going to be. But that experience of going through the learning curve of figuring out figuring out how to design a website from scratch, I took that knowledge, and now whenever I want to to create a new website, I do it in a matter of hours because of what I learned from taking action on an idea to make a website a few months ago that didn't actually turn into the website I was planning. But that knowledge ended up working for me with the ideas that I did want to bring to life and did wanna publicize websites.

Speaker A [00:09:52]:
So there's no such thing as energy being wasted. You have to detach yourself from thinking, this idea needs to do this in my business and this amount of time and by this deadline and have these results. You need to detach yourself from that, and you need to get more excited about the creative process. You need to get more excited about the act of bringing your idea to life than you are about the idea being done and dusted. So this is my little rant about the magic of your ideas, of saying yes to your ideas, saying yes to desire, of realizing you are the master here. The ideas are not bigger the bigger than you. They come from you. You're bigger than your ideas.

Speaker A [00:10:41]:
You have space for all of them if you would only let go of the narrative that says you're supposed to be overwhelmed when you have a lot of ideas. That is not actually true. It's just something people say, and then people believe it. But I have tons of ideas every day. I never feel overwhelmed. I always feel keep them coming. It's it's what makes me feel abundant. It's what it's a gift.

Speaker A [00:11:11]:
Everything in life is a result of an idea. Why would I want to say, no. There's too many ideas. I want them to keep coming. So if I'm putting out this message that, oh, it's too many. I'm overwhelmed. Then I'm also simultaneously saying I cannot handle abundance. I cannot handle wealth.

Speaker A [00:11:33]:
I cannot handle everything that life wants to give to me, and I don't wanna say that. I wanna say I have space for all of it. I'm the master of my ideas. I am the kid in this playground, and I'm not the ant on the floor getting run over by marbles. I am the kid playing with these marbles and having a lot of fun. So I hope this podcast helps you take action on that next ID next idea as long as it's something you desire to do. And it's not just, well, this is what's trending in the market right now. And if I make this, it should sell and blah blah blah.

Speaker A [00:12:09]:
That's not inspired. That's not desire. If it's coming from that energy, then it's then it is a distraction, and it's distracting you from the idea that you actually would love to bring to life. So hope this helps, and hope you're having a wonderful holiday season. And, sorry, again, I'll put the link to the website I made in the description. And, again, it literally took me hours to make that website, and it is a total testament to the power of letting your ideas be honored, honoring every single single one of your ideas as long as it's coming from desire.

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You are the master of your ideas. Let them keep coming.
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